Booking Details

Dutch Holly performs a maximum of three 45 minute sets or two 60 minute sets at a given appearance. Please use the contact Info below to arrange for date, payment, and set times.


Phone: (928)710-0104

Performing Rights Organization affiliation: BMI

Stage Mics

For venues where stage volume isn’t sufficient to project to the audience and stage mics are required, follow these specifications:

Jen Juniper’s percussion rig: Two overheads (Cloud 44A pair or AKG C2000B pair or comparable), one snare mic (Shure SM58 or comparable), and one floor tom mic (Shure SM7B, or Sennheiser 421 or comparable).

In Instances where Tres Ikner’s guitar amp must be miked, use a Shure SM-57, Sennheiser 421, or comparable.

Input to House List:

Program Left (Mono, panned 100% left) (Direct 1/4″ input)

Program Right (Mono, panned 100% right) (Direct 1/4″ input)

Alesis Drum Pad (Mono) (Direct 1/4″ input)

Jen Vocal (Vocal 1) (mono) (XLR/Balanced input)

Tres Vocal (Vocal 2) (mono) (XLR/Balanced input)

Technical Details

Stage Monitors should be fed Program Left and Right, Vocal 1 and 2, some guitar mic, and some of the drum mics.

Dutch Holly uses an in-ear monitoring system run from the Front of House (FOH) rack. As a result, the vocal inputs and Program inputs to the house will come from this rack and will include programmed vocal effects, submixed keyboards, and samples. All are leveled accordingly with house mix in mind.

Dutch Holly uses live-looping and MIDI programming to augment their sound. Adequate setup time and a sound check is necessary to ensure quality performance.

Program Left and Program Right inputs must be panned <left| and |right> respectively to avoid phase cancellation.

For smaller venues with a sound system less than what is specified on the stage plot and/or without a dedicated sound operator, Dutch Holly travels with their own sound system and therefore requires adequate load in, setup time, and a sound check prior to performance in order to ensure a quality performance. Please let us know in advance if your house sound does or does not meet the requirements.